Another big show after taking a week off to charge our batteries - and to let Goss run his M/G at CC of St. A.
US Jr Am qualifier recap from Spencer T. Olin.
Bubba Chapman joins us to talk about winning Boys Jr Am Championship at Sunset CC.
His female counterpart Avery McLaughlin drops by to talk about winning the Girls Jr Am Championship at Sunset CC as well.
Final segment includes a wrap of the 9-hole Championship at Ruth Park and a Gateway PGA section update.
Mike Leech joins C+C to discuss the Mississippi Valley Golf Course Superintendents Association.
Friend of the show Chris Naegel joins us to talk about qualifying for his 3rd US Open. Hear about the trials and tribulations of...
Jerome Harris, CEO & Founder of Urban Golf of Greater St. Louis joins the show to talk about the upcoming camps for urban youth...